
Tuesday, 19 February 2008

New Artist Review - James Severy at the Circus Circus - Acryllic Tom Tom

After releasing an impressive 10 track demo, James Severy was signed by Art Goes Pop. His music dances across Folk, Grime, Electro and Pop, whilst blurring the borders that once divided and restricted such genres. An artist whose vocals resemble Robert Smith of the Cure’s with a fundamental modern similarity to the Rumble Strips when wailing lines like “we’re in control”. There is an endearing quality in the lyrics that exudes a believability that the louder he shouts; the truer the words become. James Severy is undoubtedly a talented artist with lyrics depicting eccentric stories of killing bus drivers and talking to crocodiles - something that he picked up from the narrative structure of his favourite writers but that can now be compared to the Wombats’ and Rumble Strips’ lyrical styles. It is far from hard to see why James Severy at the Circus Circus was so quickly signed. His tracks embody the disorganisation of Babyshambles and are innovative and quirky with lines like “punch a stranger in the back of the head…just get it off your chest”. Although at times the tracks’ trademark chaotic style becomes grating in the same way that the banging of pots and pans from a kitchen inevitably leads to a headache, the structure to the new single release of “Do the Circus Circus” conveys a more polished finish that is guaranteed to showcase James Severy’s talent and build up a loyal fan base for the up and coming artist.

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