Hard Fi – Suburban Knights
Single Review
“Work til you die, that’s what they teach you at school” Sound familiar? Yes, that’s because Hard Fi are clearly not any more content with their lives than they were living for the weekend back in 2005. Although Hard-Fi left behind their West London minimum wage roots long ago they have disappointingly chosen to play it safe for the new single with lyrics guaranteed to appeal to their proletariat demographic and Kaiser Chief inspired ‘ayyyyy’s and ‘ooohhhs’. Where once narratives of Richard Archer’s Staines hardships were endearing and relatable for countless 9-5 sales assistants, the unsatisfied lyrics have become reminiscent of a grandparent who insists on responding to all questions with a vague reference to World War Two regardless of its relevance. Forgive me for my seemingly apathetic attitude but with debut albums from other self appointed ‘working class heroes’ like The Twang and the Enemy, it would seem yet another bandwagon is sweeping through the alternative music scene.
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