Brighton based band, The Maccabees, have finally released that single. It’s the single that you hear live that makes the hairs on your forearms stand on end. It’s the single that makes the annoying girl who has been semi-moshing energetically throughout the set and spilling her drink all over you in the process, finally stand still and just listen. It’s the single that proves The Maccabees are not a band to be ignored or forced into a pigeon hole. And most importantly, ‘Toothpaste Kisses’ is the single that proves that anyone who doubted the talents of this skinny jean toting four piece, that they were hugely mistaken. With a sound much more tranquil than what we’ve previously heard from the band and typically likeable lyrics like “I’ll win your heart with a ‘woot woo’”, accompanied by an aptly timed wolf whistle; it is hard not to fall in love with the single.
The fourth release from the band’s debut album and teamed with an animated music video as impressive as its predecessors; ‘Toothpaste Kisses’ is reminiscent of something Jack Penate would have released had he of been raised by Jack Johnson, and it is in fact, brilliant.
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